Sunday, 16 April 2017

How to give back and be charitable on budget..

Always when i approach people for cahrity event, always they will ask, "how much do i need to pay or donate" Everyone's mind, the moment we say charity, they can only think of cash....No No no cash please, than how can we do charity. here are some tips:-

1. Give your time - If budget might not allow you to contribute than give your time for a good cause.
                               Volunteers opportunities are virtually everywhere. Gift of your time and attention
                                could end up being more valuable than any amount you can give.

2. Turn your clutter into donation - Take a look around your house or room. Check clothing or
                                                         electrical items or cups and plates. Make sure its usable and clean.
                                                         Do not give faded and old branded cloths which make them to
                                                         feel sad and useless.

3. Make a medical donation - Just because you don't have any spare cash or used goods to donate,
                                               doesn't mean you have nothing to give. You can always donate blood,
                                               hair to make custom wigs for those who have lost their hair because of
                                               medical condition, such as cancer treatment.

My dearest friends giving back can be xtremely rewarding for both the giver and recepient. Even if you don't think you have financial resources to give, there is still plenty you can do if you are willing to take a creation approach. Whether its your time, your extra stuff or yourself. There is a way for you to give a lot without spending alot.

Join F.R.I.E.N.D.S. to explore and have fun doing charity.

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