Saturday, 16 March 2013

Charismatic people..

Charismatic people means is not how well they dress up in all their branded and costly clothing or how well they do in their life or how well the do their presentation. Charismatic people have some remarkably some good habits such as:-

1. Charismatic people listen way more than they talk

2. Charismatic people put all their stuff away such as no phone, no laptop or anything. They don't even  glance at anything  and they focus on those who communicating with them

3. Charismatic people don't practice selective hearing, they listen to everyone

4. Charismatic people don't act self-important

5. Charismatic people shine the spot light on others

6. Charismatic people choose their words

7. Charismatic people don't discuss the falling of others

8. Charismatic people readily admit their failings

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