Friday, 15 March 2013

DCM tips for success....

Now days everyone wants to be rich and many people lost million pounds, to get rich fast. Here are some tips for everyone:-

  1. Understand the big difference between working for someone else and working for yourself. When you work for yourself, you earn your true worth.
  2. Understand that to build a real business takes time and money. The only way to get rich quick is to rob a bank or win a lottery...but i don't recommend to do both.
  3. Do not expect to get rich in any business in less than 5 years ( unless facebook, google )
  4. Plan realistic short term and long term goals
  5. Determine your real reason for starting your own business.... DCMvalue ( a training provider company were started,  to build a harmonious society in fast changing world.
  6. Consistent effort and never give up
  7. Have a mentor, follow someone who is already successful

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